Legal notices

Seitz Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
Authorization to represent: Dr. Stefan Seitz with sole power of representation; furthermore, two partners together


Dr. Stefan Seitz – Lawyer
Dr. Thomas Kania – Lawyer
Dr. Corinna Bihn – Lawyer
Dr. Wolfgang Schüler – Lawyer
Dr. Ulf Goeke – Lawyer
Dr. Marc Werner – Lawyer 
Nils Kröber – Lawyer
Dr. Isabel Rauch, LL.M. (New York) – Lawyer
Dr. Julian Peters, LL.M. (Boston) – Lawyer
Dr. Daniel Grewe – Lawyer
Axel von Netzer – Lawyer
Dr. Constantin Axer – Lawyer 
Dr. Florian Lauscher – Lawyer
Dr. Heinz Hofer – Steuerberater
Dr. Patrick Esser – Lawyer
Christoph Frey – Lawyer, Tax consultant
Christian Achtmann – Lawyer
Sabine Schwarz – Lawyer
Werner Wolf – Lawyer
Dr. Stephan Pötters, LL.M. (Cambridge) – Rechtsanwalt
Dr. Johannes Traut – Lawyer
Dr. Hannah Krings – Lawyer
Dr. Andreas von Medem – Lawyer
Dr. Piero Sansone – Lawyer
Thomas Dorando – Lawyer
Annika Hausmann
– Lawyer
Dr. Maximilian Schmidt
– Lawyer
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Benz – Lawyer
Dr. Stefan Glasmacher – Lawyer

Aachener Straße 621
D-50933 Köln
Telephone +49 221 5 69 60-0
Fax +49 221 5 69 60-350

Head office: Köln
Local Court Essen PR 2575
VAT ID No. DE 194163102

Responsible Bar Association
Cologne, Riehler Straße 30, 50668 Cologne,

Responsible Chamber of Tax Advisors
Cologne, Gereonstraße 34, 50670 Cologne,

Responsible Chamber of Tax Advisors
Westfalen-Lippe, Erphostraße 43, 48145 Münster,

Unless otherwise stated, all lawyers are registered in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the Bar Association in Cologne. All tax consultants are – unless otherwise stated – also registered in Germany and are members of the Chamber of Tax Advisors in Cologne. Prof. Dr. Jörg Hernler is a registered member of the Westfalen-Lippe Chamber of Tax Advisors.

The relevant professional legal regulations governing lawyers, in particular the Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO), Lawyers Compensation Act (RVG), Specialist Lawyer Act (FAO), Professional Rules for Lawyers (BORA), Professional Rules for Lawyers in the European Union (CCBE), and the law governing the Activities of European Attorneys in Germany (EuRAG) are available at the website of the Federal Bar Association under

The relevant professional legal regulations governing tax advisors, in particular the Law on Tax Advisors (StBerG), the implementing ordinance for the Law on Tax Advisors (DVStB), Regulation for Tax Advisor fees (StBGebV), and Professional rules for the German Chamber of Tax Advisors (BOStB) are available t the home page of the German Chamber of Tax Advisors under


Dr. Daniel Hund, LL.M. (NYU) – Rechtsanwalt
Christina Kamppeter – Rechtsanwältin
Dr. Wolfgang Lipinski
– Rechtsanwalt
Dr. Stefan Lochner – Rechtsanwalt
Dr. Christopher Melms – Rechtsanwalt
Dr. Jens Günther – Rechtsanwalt
Dr. Constantin Goette – Rechtsanwalt

RAK Munich: RAK Munich (

Bar Association for the Higher Regional Court District of Munich Corporation under Public Law
Tal 33, 80331 Munich


Dr. Kathrin Bürger, LL.M. (New York) – Rechtsanwältin
Bernd Weller – Rechtsanwalt

Frankfurt am Main Bar Association - Homepage (

Frankfurt am Main Bar Association
Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Dr. Jochen Markgraf – Rechtsanwalt

Düsseldorf Bar Association | Corporation under public law (

Düsseldorf Bar Association
Freiligrathstraße 25, 40479 Düsseldorf

Professional Liability Insurance

Global professional liability insurance is held with AXA Versicherung AG, Colonia-Allee 10–20, 51067 Köln and covers all lawyers and tax consultants. This meets the requirements of § 51a Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO) and § 67 Law of Tax Advisors (StBerG) and §§ 51 et seqq. of the Regulation for the implementation of provisions relating to Tax Advisors, Agents in Tax Matters and Tax Advise Organizations (DVStB).


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