Seitz stands for enterpreneurial thinking and partnered action. This also includes a special corporate culture. The client at the center, and the person too. A lively team spirit, flat hierarchies, special career paths and many social events characterize the Seitz culture.
Dr. Philipp Zeller has been a lawyer in our employment law team since 2015. As a two-time Olympic gold medalist (hockey), he knows how to turn outstanding professional expertise and passion into success. His clients are the main beneficiaries of this. To open the Munich office, Philipp moved from Cologne to the Bavarian capital. Since then, his excellent team play has also been "worth its weight in gold" for connecting the new location to the firm.
Dr. Philipp Zeller
"'Arrived' – that was actually my thought after the first job interview at Seitz. After working in a large law firm and in the legal department of a corporate group with strict hierarchies, I no longer wanted to compromise and wanted to find a law firm where I could not only develop my area of business on my own responsibility, but also find an environment where people work at the highest level with a lot of dedication and enjoyment. That's exactly what I found at Seitz. Thanks to our flexible teams, projects of any size can be staffed sensibly; at the same time, this approach also promotes personal exchange with a variety of colleagues and gives even those in the team who are just starting their careers the opportunity to contribute their own interests and strengths in a targeted manner."
Dr. Hannah Krings
"When skilled people who want to make a difference join forces, then it can't go wrong!". It was with this statement that Stefan Seitz convinced me more than 20 years ago to make the leap from associate in a major international law firm to partner at Seitz in order to build up the corporate law department here. Starting from two corporate lawyers at the time, my partner Daniel Grewe and I now have an absolutely top-tier team of 26 lawyers of which we are super proud. Even though we have become a large law firm ourselves in the meantime, the spirit of those days lives on and everyone in the team can develop individually. The combination of excellent work and an informal atmosphere in the team continue to be the driving forces for me every day. The individual development allows me to still try to continuously improve my skills on the tennis court with passion, besides the family (with two children) and the job."
Dr. Wolfgang Schüler
Kathrin Bürger, a partner in the Munich and Frankfurt offices, joined Seitz with five other partners from the law firm ADVANT Beiten. With her, around 30 attorneys as well as other team members and planned new hires will fill the new offices in Munich and Frankfurt with life. The change to Seitz was met with excitement and anticipation by all team members. The major project was excellently supported by all participants and implemented with great help from the colleagues from the Cologne office. Kathrin Bürger lives out her enthusiasm for employment law in two offices, commuting between the two new locations and thus always being where she is needed most. Kathrin Bürger spends some of her free time with her two horses in the stables.
Dr. Kathrin Bürger
„Im Mai 2023 bin ich gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Dr. Jochen Markgraf und unserem Team zu Seitz gewechselt, nachdem wir bereits mehrere Jahre in einer führenden Kanzlei-Boutique zusammengearbeitet hatten. Als mich Jochen fragte, ob ich gemeinsam mit ihm und unserem Team zu Seitz wechseln möchte, um für die Kanzlei einen neuen Standort in Düsseldorf zu eröffnen, fiel mir die Entscheidung leicht. Einer der wesentlichen Gründe für meine Entscheidung war dabei, dass sich uns bei Seitz die einmalige Gelegenheit und Chance bot, unsere Beratung in den Bereichen Restrukturierung, vorinsolvenzlicher Sanierung und im Insolvenzrecht gemeinsam mit dem Kölner Team auszubauen. Von den neuen Kolleginnen und Kollegen wurde ich sehr herzlich empfangen. Die Teamkultur ist schon etwas Besonderes. Hier hilft jeder jedem. Allein die Frage nach der schönsten Stadt am Rhein haben wir noch nicht ausdiskutiert… Ganz besonders hat mich gefreut, dass ich unmittelbar nach meinem Start die Möglichkeit bekommen habe, an der Weiterentwicklung der Kanzlei mitwirken zu dürfen, wie etwa der Neugestaltung unserer Homepage oder im Bereich Marketing. Gelungener hätte mein Einstieg nicht sein können.“
Fabian von Lübken
Bianca Krämer completed her vocational training in a small law firm with two lawyers in the Eifel region. Then she was drawn to the city and to the Seitz commercial law firm. Even though Bianca Krämer moved back to the Eifel after a short time, she remained loyal to Seitz. As assistant to the name partner, Bianca Krämer also took over the management of the "1st Office" and was appointed Office Manager after almost 10 years with the firm and successful completion of further training. With her experience, her always positive attitude and her organizational and communication skills, Bianca Krämer is one of the firm's top performers.
Bianca Krämer