F.A.Z. about Seitz: "As a corporate law firm, Seitz is one of the top addresses for large corporate groups, family-owned companies and sports and media personalities." (F.A.Z. about Seitz)

From the start, entrepreneurial thinking has been the foundation of our collaborative approach at Seitz. This applies to our results-driven legal support for our clients, as well as to the teamwork within the firm. Together, we find creative solutions for complex legal issues and challenges that meet the highest quality standards. Founded in 1997 in Cologne, Seitz has since expanded to locations in Düsseldorf, Munich, and Frankfurt, and currently employs more than 120 attorneys.


Together we will meet our objectives.
In Germany and beyond.

Our locations
Aachener Straße 621 // 50933 Köln
Breite Straße 29-31 // 40213 Düsseldorf
Neue Mainzer Straße 75 // 60311 Frankfurt
Ottostraße 21 // 80333 München


"The direct involvement in client work and comprehensive support during my practical legal training at Seitz gave me a seamless start as an attorney. In my role as Counsel, I can now pass on my experience to the 'next generation'."

"Sport plays an important role in my life. The firm supports this – not only through its own offers, but also by giving me sufficient flexibility in my working hours so that I can combine sport and job well."

After working in a large law firm and in the legal department of a corporate group with strict hierarchies, I no longer wanted to compromise and wanted to find a law firm where I could not only develop my area of business on my own responsibility, but also find an environment where people work at the highest level with a lot of dedication and enjoyment.

„Die Teamkultur ist schon etwas Besonderes. Hier hilft jeder jedem. Allein die Frage nach der schönsten Stadt am Rhein haben wir noch nicht ausdiskutiert… Ganz besonders hat mich gefreut, dass ich unmittelbar nach meinem Start die Möglichkeit bekommen habe, an der Weiterentwicklung der Kanzlei mitwirken zu dürfen, wie etwa der Neugestaltung unserer Homepage oder im Bereich Marketing.“

Starting from two corporate lawyers at the time, my partner Daniel Grewe and I now have an absolutely top-tier team of 26 lawyers of which we are super proud. Even though we have become a large law firm ourselves in the meantime, the spirit of those days lives on and everyone in the team can develop individually.

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