The foundation for this success was laid by name partner Dr. Stefan Seitz in 1997 in Cologne, when he combined his practice with the renowned lawyers for tax and corporate law, Prof. Helmut Debatin and Dr. Egon Schlütter, as well as in 1999 with tax consultant Wolfgang Bornheim.

From the very beginning, economic thinking for our clients has been at the center of our acting as partners. We are a strategic legal consultancy with particular implementation strength, the highest quality standards and special expertise in legally complex and politically highly sensitive, large-scale projects. With the "Data Protection and" team, we also advise entrepreneurs and companies on all legal issues related to digitalization.

2023 eröffnete Seitz drei neue Standorte in Düsseldorf, München und Frankfurt und beschäftigt aktuell über 120 Anwältinnen und Anwälte.

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